DR. Thanga Prabhu

DR. Thanga Prabhu


Dr Thanga Prabhu has 30+ years of healthcare experience working in India, Abu Dhabi and United Kingdom. After completing MBBS from Madras University in 1989 he spent close to a decade practising medicine in a teaching hospital (Ministry of Health) in Abu Dhabi. During that stint he solved some of the problems faced in ED - Emergency Department using IT-information technology, discovering the immense potential of Medical Informatics. After completing full time Post-Graduation in Health Informatics from Swansea University, UK he worked as Research Officer at Swansea University and then with NHS Wales in 2003. His team of researchers used SLN - self learning network to develop a system which captures human expertise/ skill to assist ‘chest pain management’ in primary care/ emergency services in the NHS - National Health Services, UK. He authored a Paper for the UK Parliament Health Select Committee in 2005 titled ‘The utilization of telemedicine (telecare) and its future potential for improving services’. It was published/ archived as: UK House of Commons Health Committee, The Use of New Medical Technologies within the NHS, Fifth Report of Session2004–05,VolumeI [http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200405/cmselect/cmhealth/398/39814.htm] In a decade with GE Healthcare IT, he has worked with Product development, Implementation and Commercial teams as Clinical Director for South Asia. In 2009 multiple ICUs (12) and OTs (9 operation theatres) were digitized for Fortis Healthcare under his leadership. Creating a Portable Health Record with GE GRC - Global Research Center USA and St Johns Medical College, Bangalore resulted in US Patent Application # 20130138456A1 *System and Method for Maintaining Portable Health Records (Oct 12 2012, 13/650462) *System and Method for Providing Stakeholder Services (Nov 21 2012, 13/683709) He is a member of the ‘EMR Interoperability Standards for India’ expert committee formed by the Health Secretary, Govt of India, which published a set of standards in Aug 2013/ revised in Dec 2016. [ https://bit.ly/2NBcTgR ] He is currently a consultant with St Johns Health Innovation Foundation, Bangalore ( SJHIF.IN) He is a regular public speaker continuing to build digital health cadres by mentoring and delivering invited talks on Medical Informatics nationally and internationally. https://edrprabhu.com